AF HIMNUM OFAN Apparat Organ Quartet og Dómkórinn koma saman þegar vika er liðin af Þorra með flutningi klassískra ópusa, nýrra verka og rafmagnaðra sálma.
Á tónleikunum kallast rafmögnuð tónlist Apparatsins á við ómþíðan sálmasöng Dómkórins. Fluttir verða nýir og sígildir sálmar í bland við ný og gömul Apparatslög og að lokum sameina kórinn og orgelkvartettinn krafta sína í eftirminnilegum hápunkti.
Meðlimir Apparat Organ Quartet leika á rafmögnuð afkvæmi meira en tvöþúsund ára þróunar orgela, sem knúin hafa verið af vatni, vindi, rafmagni og stafrænum straumum. Á tónleikunum sameinast þeir sögunni í húsinu sem hýsti fyrsta pípuorgel landsins. Dómkórinn fullkomnar svo hljóðmyndina, ýmist í forgrunni, bakgrunni eða í sameiginlegri hljómkviðu.
Apparat Organ Quartet skipa þeir Hörður Bragason, Sighvatur Ómar Kristinsson og Úlfur Eldjárn sem leika á mis-rafmögnuð orgel og hljóðgerfla, og Arnar Geir Ómarsson sem leikur á trommur.
Organisti og stjórnandi Dómkórsins er Guðmundur Sigurðsson.
Organisti og stjórnandi Dómkórsins er Guðmundur Sigurðsson.
Apparat Organ Quartet and the Reykjavík Cathedral Choir celebrate the second wee of the old Icelandic month of Þorri by performing classic opuses, new compositions and electrified psalms.
The elecronic melodies of Apparat resonate with the harmonious psalms of the Cathedral Choir In this unique concert. Classic and contemporary psalms will be performed along with new and older Apparat songs, completed with a praise and glory in unison.
Apparat Organ Quartet and the Reykjavík Cathedral Choir celebrate the second wee of the old Icelandic month of Þorri by performing classic opuses, new compositions and electrified psalms.
The elecronic melodies of Apparat resonate with the harmonious psalms of the Cathedral Choir In this unique concert. Classic and contemporary psalms will be performed along with new and older Apparat songs, completed with a praise and glory in unison.
The members of Apparat play instruments that are the pinnacle of more than two thousand years of development of the organ. Through that time, sounds have been created with water, wind, electricity and digital currents. In this concert the Quartet goes back to the roots in the building that housed the first pipe-organ in Iceland. The Cathedral Choir completes the acoustic image, sometims in front and sometimes back, and lastly in a joint performance of voices and currents.
Apparat Organ Quartet‘s members are Hörður Bragason, Sighvatur Ómar Kristinsson and Úlfur Eldjárn who finger variously electrified keyboards and synths and Arnar Geir Ómarsson on drums. Organist and director of the Cathedral is Guðmundur Sigurðsson
Laufey Böðvarsdóttir, 7/1 2024 kl. 12.31